
  Toms Sko    7/16(木) 11:57:40 No.20150716115740

Investigators from the Sheriff's Office have recently been investigating incidents of burglary that occurred at homes on Briggston Road and Johnson Road South. In both cases the home owner had recently moved and left items, such as appliances, children's toys, yard tools and other items, behind with the intent of returning later and retrieving them. Once the homeowner had left, persons would burglarize the home.So the guy started his roof, but fell on hard times due to his wife illness? And he expects his neighbors to in groups band together and paint schools, or an old person house. You see these good stories all the time. But doing a roof is something else. Unless some church group wanted to undertake this am very sorry to say, for a relative, I would climb the ladder and shingle the house. For a neighbor, not on your life. Why? Liability. I could be sued. If it was done improperly (I am not a roofer nor a contractor). So you would hopefully have a neighbor who was a contractor, and cared about the look of the neighborhood.


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