(名前未記入) 7/16(木) 09:13:55 No.20150716091355
It's one of the few things that you can read without paying and I'm glad it's widely available because it is a subject that I have been following since the early 1970s, long before it ever became noticed by the mainstream media which still basically ignores it. What Americans don't seem to understand is that their democracy has been bought lock, stock and barrel. It's not about resenting the rich, or that so few have too much, but what they do and have always done with that too much. The democratic process has been undermined and subverted. Americans believe that the republican form of government is the best, but it is clearly a kakistocracy. In Canada, the UK, Germany, et al, income and wealth inequality is far less and the citizens tend to believe more in society rather than unrestrained individualism.It was noted that the parish council already paid for leaves to be removed in the autumn time from the Cotton Mill Hill area of but that the possibility of appointing a parish lengths man would be discussed again at the next scheduled meeting of the council. Cllr Thacker, reported as the parish's NEDDC councillor, that following the failed attempt to erect a phone mast on Acorn Ridge it was anticipated that an application was to be submitted for an existing mast in Slate Pit Dale to be upgraded.