toms Sko uttak 7/14(火) 16:20:29 No.20150714162029
Xfighter , the problem with your thinking is nothing the Democrats do puts money into the pockets of spenders , unless you consider welfare and food stamps pocket cash , and the problem with that is this money is taken from others or comes from the printing presses that increase the nations debt. Do you honestly believe that Obamacare which has eliminated disposable cash from millions of already struggling middle class families will spur growth ? What you and Occupier advocate is redistribution which destroys wealth.Accompanied by troop leaders Cheryl Moreno and Michelle Chevatewa, the girls headed to Value Center Market at Nine Mile and Ryan roads. Working from lists of non perishable foods, they filled eight shopping carts during their winter break in late February. Working on their own budgeting and consumer skills, they weighed the best buys on breakfast, lunch and dinner items in the store.