I am HIV positive and my partner is negative, i was tested +ve in 2011 and I! ̄m on ARVs i still want to have a child i want to do it naturally ,is it safe to my partner and the baby ?
Hi I have been HIV+ for the past 11yrs. I never been sick. But last year I found out that I had TB and my cd4 was 12.was I I d state of Aids?
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Yeah!-people seem to have an attraction to long legs, coyote gets a lot of free taxi rides too.
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Good luck n high hopes that you have a safe n successful visit to the nest box. Can! ̄t imagine the owls would be aggressive now. Maybe a fantastic sighting again!
Hi im a few wks preg. Initally before this i was on truvada & efivarenz now im on truvada and alluvia. I have terrible nausea and always feel hungry or lightheaded are these the side effects you are supposed to feel.
Hi i just found out im hiv positive an im pregnant ive been given tribuss but the packet insert says dont take if pregnant im confussed what do i do? My cd4 is above 500