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Please write your comments in english. I delete anything that even remotely resembles spam.
Greetings! I have installed the latest version of redline (Fantastic theme) I have been using the redline theme since ver 1.x It seems that you have removed the custom favicon. What is the current way to install a favicon?
Hi Natasha- I am so sorry that you are having issues. The brownie batter should go over the caramel easily, not sure how that is a problem. And yes, if the caramel is not covered entirely there may be edges and bits that get done faster than the center. If you cooked the bottom layer first then it should definitely not be liquid still. Can you tell me how I can re-word the directions so that this would work better for you in the future?
Are we allowed to put down blankets early to save seats for the demo derby?
I had a dream that i transformed into a (werewolf sized) green lion, all of a sudden it was like the end of the world, nd i was this lion fighting nd killing zombies or zombie like people. All of a sudden i was joined by 2 other spirit animals(blue goat,& purple bear) i start we start running up a glass like tower and jumped into another part of the world. Were we had to fight some mysterious dark hooded figure. The goat was killed first, than.later the bear died. But i survived and deafeated the dark figure.
Yes. See the answer above. They all contain the same active meds.
This look is so cool! I love it!
I love the details on your website. Thanks a bunch.
Thanks you Simon for your response, I am so glad with your suggestion and I will try to work out with this matter.