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What looks like an overnight sensation is actually the product of years playing in failing bands. Young, for example, was in a powerviolence band, and then played as nu folk hopeful Jay Jay Pistolet. Once, Young was due to support Julian Cope, who turned up wearing leather trousers and a policeman's hat. "Then we were told there'd been a double booking," Young sighs, "and we'd have to go home."
The good part about this design is that, unlike the virtual keyboard, it doesn take up any space on the screen. The bad part is that it adds about half an inch to the length of the phone, and makes it a bit harder to plug in headphones and power cords, whose sockets are now recessed beneath the protruding keyboard.
More than 120 massive airplanes most outfitted with engines that, when revved, could make your teeth ache from half a mile away are splayed on both sides of the airport's 6,800 foot runway. Yet the place is so quiet you could hear a rattlesnake approach.
Diskanten er mrkere og mer avrundet i toppen i forhold til de klart mer lyse og energiske B med metalldiskanter. DM 3/7 har ogsa en klart fyldigere og mer slagkraftig bass enn de mer kompakte CM8. Her er det betydelig mer driv i bassrytmene samtidig som bassgitaren har mer vekt i de dypeste oktavene. Samtidig kan man hre tendenser til en svak farging eller tregheti bassen som ikke er like fremtredende pa CM8. Det hres best pa utfordrende instrumenter som kontrabass hvor 3/7 ene har en tendens til a maskere skiftene i tonehyde litt. Her er det med andre ord lurt med en kraftig forsterker som kan holde skrustikkekontroll over membranene.
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