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Sticking with my theory that the brutal winter left the female unable to produce a viable egg. The adults would be adoring and doting over a fledged juvenile and the last several months have shown no evidence of it. Basing this on my own observances, which spans 4 years now. This time of year the adult vulture will still regurgitate food and care for its fledgling, well into December.
Hi, i am currently taking Atripla since 2012 and they still make me sleep like a dead person and when i tell my doctor that this Atripla is too strong for me he doesnt want to bealive me as one day i did took my wife! ̄s medication (Atroiza) and i was like a normal person. meaning i didnt sleep like a dead person during the night and even when i woke up i was not feeling tired but when i take my medicine (Atripla) each and everyday i woke up i feel tired. Please advise me as my doctor doesnt want to bealive me as even my wife was taking Atripla and she was experiencing the same problem i have until her doctor change her to Atroiza and now she feel good. Please advise me as i am confused now.
The Binay strategist is amazed.
You are wonderful, David Garrett! Thank you!
My spirit animal is a deer and a horse
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I love this casual look and the blue is so pretty on you!
sorry but that letter just sounds like it! ̄s full of excuses. It! ̄s a good thing that someone finally gets our emotions stirred because there is truth in it. As the cliche saying goes, you have to be cruel to be kind. Hopefully everyone sees the light in the midst of all this negative publicity for our Government.