Why not try to talk about this with your husband. It is difficult to comment otherwise. If your husband is on treatment there are lots of studies that also shows HIV is difficult to transmit. This may help if either of your are worried about intimacy because of HIV.
Can I take Tribuss in the mornings instead of at night?
Hi if CD4 is 29 can Tribuss help?
Thank you Lindsay. I remember the night though it seems like along way off now. Wishing you and your Mum well.
Night sweats is not included as a side effect in the summary of product information for efavirenz. It could plausibly happen if you are having the very bad dreams or nightmares. If you are not having these at the same time though, please talk to your doctor in case it is a symptom of something else.
I dreamed that I was walking next to a beautiful, huge chestnut horse. As we were getting closer to the stables I saw a man hitting a horse, also a chestnut, the horse was on it! ̄s hind legs trying to pull free. Then suddenly the horse lay down on it! ̄s side. Blood was flowing from it! ̄s side. I was shocked at what I saw and started running towards the stables, shouting at the man to stop and saw that there were 3 horse! ̄s lying on their sides with blood streaming out the wounds. When I reached the horses I was relieved to see that they were stil alive and that I could still help them. Then I woke up.
I was diagnosed with hiv in 2012, my cd4 count was 574 during my first test. At the clinic i was told to come after 12 months, i did so and my second cd4 count was 217, they then put me on treatment immediately. I would like to know whether hiv is curable or what? I also want to know that if i am on treatment i can pass the virus to my partner or what.
I was diagnosed HIV+ 2012 October and then my CD4 was 285 my doctor decided that i should be on treatment, but i was reluctant. In December 2013 i got sick with shingles. This year i decided to start treatment . I! ̄ve started Tribuss. What are the side effects?
Supercool Giveaway, hope to get lucky.
Hi. I! ̄m HIV positive my CD4 count is 939 i found out in July 2014. I have been taking vitams since i found out i was positive but this month they also gave me nucotrim to take two tablets ones a day. They gave packets for four months. I want know is it ok to drink nucotrim for that long or will i be exceeding the limit.