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You should put this discussion on your list of links as well. It;s called levitation photography.
Hey am 4 month pregnant I found out dat am HIV+ so I wanna know de symtoms coz am starting 2 take a treatment am confused
I started the medication in 2013 there are no side effects it works very well in my body Im very healthy now
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Hi,I! ̄m currently on TB treatment rifafour. My CD4 is currently 249, my doc has put me on odimune & purbac ds. I! ̄m scared of taking all this treatment @once. I! ̄m kind of confused as when to take these without causing complications. Can I take purbac & odimune at the same time?
I was diagnosed HIV+ 2012 October and then my CD4 was 285 my doctor decided that i should be on treatment, but i was reluctant. In December 2013 i got sick with shingles. This year i decided to start treatment . I! ̄ve started Tribuss. What are the side effects?
Yeah!-people seem to have an attraction to long legs, coyote gets a lot of free taxi rides too.
I! ̄ve been on Tribus for two and half years now and continue to gain lots of weight even on caloric controlled diet ,my breasts also enlarged?
Hot damn! I just can! ̄t get enough.