Beware the man who wants a position in your life wherein he can sabotage your livelihood, income, or projects. You! ̄ll know the signs. Don! ̄t give him trust.
Hey am 4 month pregnant I found out dat am HIV+ so I wanna know de symtoms coz am starting 2 take a treatment am confused
Hi Naveen ¨C thanks for your comment. If you can provide more information about the bug it will be great, as it is hard to visualize the problem based on the current description.
I am 8 months pregnant and taking my Tribuss at 11 pm everyday. Is it possible for me to change to 8 pm or it will a risk to my unborn baby?
My dream was of a brown horse with black accents (main, feet, nose, Tail, etc.) It was going to be put down (not by me) because it had a broken lower leg. The horse began talking to me telepathically begin me to make them stop and not kill it. He was telling me he was going to be ok and would heal just fine. I was able to convince the rancher to NOT down the horse and the horse swung his head knocking me to the ground then laid down next to me and rubbed his head and face all over me thanking me for saving him. It was awesome.
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Hi there! Quick question that! ̄s completely off topic.
Very fine, Kong. I got a tape of Joy Division from Danny, the drummer of the Avengers, and they were the finest thing (even if it was a crummy tape).
So, people are mad because Brad is too honest, and take advantage of his openness by making his life more difficult.
HI Brian, thank you. Will add your email to my mailing list and keep you posted.