I am 8 months pregnant and taking my Tribuss at 11 pm everyday. Is it possible for me to change to 8 pm or it will a risk to my unborn baby?
I was diagnosed with hiv in 2012, my cd4 count was 574 during my first test. At the clinic i was told to come after 12 months, i did so and my second cd4 count was 217, they then put me on treatment immediately. I would like to know whether hiv is curable or what? I also want to know that if i am on treatment i can pass the virus to my partner or what.
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Greetings! I have installed the latest version of redline (Fantastic theme) I have been using the redline theme since ver 1.x It seems that you have removed the custom favicon. What is the current way to install a favicon?
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****, I just watched Only Yesterday and I am depressed as hell.
Utterly amazing, it! ̄s perfect!
i! ̄ve been hearing about on media,today i got it at ma clinic!-!-is there anything to worry about? (Its side effects)
And when do we see him prosecuted???
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