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I am sorry but we are based in the UK and I don! ̄t have knowledge of individual doctors in India.
Yes I was on another treatement before but as soon as i realize my body was changing they changed my treatement and I have lost some fat on my knees and my arms but, I did not gain it on my breast or stomach either. I have lost weight since starting treatement in 2006!-!- is theresome hope for me to gain 5kg in good time? Started tribuss in november 2013. I appreciate your help so much keep up the good work
I started using Tribuss for a month, now i am using Odimune. I have problem with acid before I started the medication, I just find out that I have ulcers. I want to know if this is side effect and i have been using ulcer treatment for 3wks but I still experience the samething every morning. Please help!
i just want so many more. they are so amazing.
Does anyone know what it means if the lion sitting there staring at you, I didn! ̄t feel scared at all, more like it wanted something from me.
Love all of the bold blue colors! Beautiful outfit, Jules!
My truth this morning was that desire does not create suffering, but attachment to a fixed certainty creates suffering.
Wah makasih banyak mas, akhirnya ketemu juga solusi yang simple. Sukses yach
I have been going through some challenging times lately. I have an attraction towards long legs. Do not ask me why. Yesterday I went to see Sumatra Tigers at a Park and today walking in a populated area near a lagoon after seeing a bunch of white birds at a distance fly back and forth I saw a coyote run in front of me from a golf area across a street to another bushed area before the next golf area. Yes it did look at me. I feel guilty as I told the people at the resort about it and hope it! ̄s smart enough not to get caught. Then I looked this up. Amazing to think of an animal being a spirit that is watching over me and yes I could do with some nice surprises soon.