And when do we see him prosecuted???
My truth this morning was that desire does not create suffering, but attachment to a fixed certainty creates suffering.
You can have many spirit animals throughout your entire life. The best thing to do is not even question if things like that are possible. Even if you already have a totem spirit if you feel something else calling to you you should just go with it
in india life expectancy after hiv possitive.
Best brownies I ever made. I was feared and revered the day I brought these in to the office. Not only is the caramel and peanut butter the best addition to a brownie you could ever imagine, but the brownie recipe all by itself is amazing!
Hoping to win for my daughter!
This will be my first Apple if ever I win
Red mercury is it true or false?
Hey, I am sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. This is never easy news to get, but is does get easier and you will be ok. You are in the same situation as lots of other people.
Did you use the peanut butter chips? Was the brownie cooked for the recommended time before you put the peanut butter chips on it? Did you use all of the caramel?