I had a dream that I went into a room, looked at the back of my body in a mirror and saw that I had a black horse tail. It was long and pretty, but I wanted to cut it. As soon as I was about to leave the room, to grab some scissors, I looked up and saw that there was a strange man watching me from the vent and in my dream i became more concerned with sternly telling off the man who was watching me. I woke up feeling quite confused ¨C thoughts?
In my dreams, I have many of a white wolf running parallal to me through the trees. I feel he! ̄s watching after me. Comments, please.
Love the print of the top and the jeans!
That is great to hear. Congratulations!
hi! ̄my husband has been taking this medication for 3 months! ̄the first month went well! ̄he started complaining with headache the 2nd month! ̄which was august! ̄now he is lying in hospital having Meningitis! ̄is he going to recover?
I started taking Atroiza this week on my 34th week of pregnancy, the first day i was dizzy and i had a strange headache, the second day i had night sweats and now all that is no more except feeling strengthless especially on my feet, will this be permanent or not?
the remote server link doesnt work, i downloaded it.
Listening carefully to !°The Captain! ̄s Collection!±. Such a wonderful project, and fitting tribute to Fraser. I know you all produced it a good few years ago, but I am grateful today! You brought my attention to it while chatting with myself and Daithi Sproule a few years ago in Minneapolis. It was a lovely visit, and you were very generous with advice and information! I am learning Braighe Loch Iall and Hi horo! ̄s na horo eile! Cheers!
Similar to comment #8 and #9 above, has anyone done any work with parsing the logs? Just to cite the easy example, I think it would be interesting to see how much time is spent per category.
The active ingredients in Atripla are efavirenz, emtircitabine and tenofovir.