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hi I! ̄m starting my atrioza today. Should I take it before food or after food,is it true that with it u will also have bad dreams,seeing things that other people don! ̄t see,vomit,have a rash, and loose weight?
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These are things your friend needs to talk about with here doctor and HIV health care team. Getting an HIV positive test result is difficult and stressful. It takes time and support. Learning you are positive when you are pregnant also involves finding out about treatment, and using this during the pregnancy to reduce the risk of passing HIV to the baby.
Hi, sorry for being so slow. I just noticed today, after months of shying the commas in my notes, that it actually converts the commas to semi-colons.
It sounds like both you and your girlfriend need to talk to the doctor at the testing centre. It is very difficult to try and find out when someone became positive, but this might involve you both having your tests confirmed. You can not infect someone if you are HIV negative. I think the term that may have been used is DISCORDANT couple. This is used when one person is positive and the other is negative. Lots of positive people have relationships with negative people and this can include having children. Treatment for your girlfriend can reduce the chance of the baby having HIV.
I am changing to Atripla what possible side effects can I expect?
So, people are mad because Brad is too honest, and take advantage of his openness by making his life more difficult.