I heard Elizabeth Ramsey was from Caribbean, Jamaica in particular!-that! ̄s why the connection.
These look super delicious!! That caramel layer ¨C yumm!!
Mark Foote, I can sit for an hr without any pain on my ankles or knees, but I just don! ̄t find the value or point in practice anymore, especially in an organization.
Hi, my friend thinks that she is HIV because she lost her boyfriend who was HIV. She tested for HIV and she was negative now she is afraid of going back to test. It has been a year now.
If you are taking Atroiza can you have a baby?
Any help ,i started taking atroiza in june while i was pregnant and have now delivered my HIV negative baby, so i would like to know that is this Atroiza only for pregnant woman? Am i going to be switched to a new treatment because im no longer pregnant? Please help.
hi! ̄my husband has been taking this medication for 3 months! ̄the first month went well! ̄he started complaining with headache the 2nd month! ̄which was august! ̄now he is lying in hospital having Meningitis! ̄is he going to recover?
This varies a lot between different people. Usually within a week or two it should get better. If it continues than talk to your doctor about this.
Thanx for the quick reply, I! ̄m using IE9 and still don! ̄t see the option. In chrome everything is OK.
maybe they meant the $250 Million fight happens afterlife =) the match held in purgatory along with Manny and Mayweather!-