HI Brian, thank you. Will add your email to my mailing list and keep you posted.
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Hi i started treatment at 32 weeks of my pregnancy and have delivered an HIV negative baby, so now my baby has been coughing for four days, i took him to the Dr and he said he is having pneumonia, what is the possible cause of these and is it possible for an HIV negative baby to have such disease? Is there a cure for these disease?
I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis but i! ̄m glad to hear that you are feeling well.
I think MJ was too sexy to be Miss Universe. It doesn! ̄t matter what gown you put on her when she wears her bikini, OMG!
You have got wonderful thing on this website.
Hi, i am currently taking Atripla since 2012 and they still make me sleep like a dead person and when i tell my doctor that this Atripla is too strong for me he doesnt want to bealive me as one day i did took my wife! ̄s medication (Atroiza) and i was like a normal person. meaning i didnt sleep like a dead person during the night and even when i woke up i was not feeling tired but when i take my medicine (Atripla) each and everyday i woke up i feel tired. Please advise me as my doctor doesnt want to bealive me as even my wife was taking Atripla and she was experiencing the same problem i have until her doctor change her to Atroiza and now she feel good. Please advise me as i am confused now.
Absolutely my new favorite mellow hip hop. I love this hip hop mash-up album concept. I had considred Max Tannone (Jaydiohead, Mos Dub) the king, but you have deposed him with this album.