Hi,I! ̄m currently on TB treatment rifafour. My CD4 is currently 249, my doc has put me on odimune & purbac ds. I! ̄m scared of taking all this treatment @once. I! ̄m kind of confused as when to take these without causing complications. Can I take purbac & odimune at the same time?
What a beautiful print top and love the different shades of blue!
Is this tablet atrovia still the same as Atripla as my didn! ̄t tell me that is changing me to this tablet! Please I! ̄m worried
You can have many spirit animals throughout your entire life. The best thing to do is not even question if things like that are possible. Even if you already have a totem spirit if you feel something else calling to you you should just go with it
My partner and I been togther for 16 yrs had hiv test for life policy done. Mine was negative and his positive. That was 14 months ago. Every 3 months after that I go test again and still I! ̄m negative till now. How can it be possible coz we are not using protection.
And when do we see him prosecuted???
maybe they meant the $250 Million fight happens afterlife =) the match held in purgatory along with Manny and Mayweather!-
It means that you are able to keep your aggression and strength in check
Wow because this is extremely good work! Congrats and keep it up
I want to know what to do because I work shifts and these tablets make me dizzy , I want to know if its possible to change and drink them at any time of the day depending on my shifts or should I stick to the time that I am taking them everyday?