!°I!± have practiced Soto Zen, Zazen, etc. for the past 2-3 years, and I have come to see that Buddhism is not tenable in American organizations. This is a !°Dhamma ending age!± and pratyekabuddhas tend to emerge in this period. Buddhism has been distilled into simple phrases such as !°live in the moment!± when it dealt with much more !°painful!± topics in the past. Zen also began with much promise but eventually became too laid back in its illogical riddles, fetish over non-dualistic !°formless practices!±, and etc.
Great looking internet site. Assume you did a whole lot of your very own html coding
i went to test HIV with my partner.
Thanks. I implemented that and it looks good and I will keep it that way.
I start atroiza last month but every morning my feet they are always itching
my husband is hiv positive and i am negative, i still do not understand because we were not using protection.
i am hiv positive but my husband was negative now we want one baby what can i do please help me
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Hi, my friend thinks that she is HIV because she lost her boyfriend who was HIV. She tested for HIV and she was negative now she is afraid of going back to test. It has been a year now.