best thing i have heard in quite a while
Freaking awesome. I love that kind of mashup and this one is well done!!
This Dingdong Dantes is not an ordinary private individual. Dingdong is an appointed public official in the Philippines and he should act accordingly based on what he promised and sworn during his oath taking when he accepted his role for National Youth Commission therefore any lavish or extravagant parties or ceremonies are not permitted as public officials must take into consideration the current situation of public masses. I guess this is one of the legalities he forgot. Keep in mind that when someone becomes public official their priority is their constituents more than anybody else. Any person is allowed to file a legal case against him so to speak.
I love this album. Great work, Tor.
I have always been intrigued by animation, this is a great resource packed with some quality papers on the subject. Well done.
!°I!± have practiced Soto Zen, Zazen, etc. for the past 2-3 years, and I have come to see that Buddhism is not tenable in American organizations. This is a !°Dhamma ending age!± and pratyekabuddhas tend to emerge in this period. Buddhism has been distilled into simple phrases such as !°live in the moment!± when it dealt with much more !°painful!± topics in the past. Zen also began with much promise but eventually became too laid back in its illogical riddles, fetish over non-dualistic !°formless practices!±, and etc.
Great looking internet site. Assume you did a whole lot of your very own html coding
i went to test HIV with my partner.
Thanks. I implemented that and it looks good and I will keep it that way.
I start atroiza last month but every morning my feet they are always itching